Set time, date, and time zone settings in Windows
Applies To
Windows 11 Windows 10Time, date, time zone, and daylight-saving time settings can be configured in the Settings app in Windows. To set these settings in Windows, select the desired task from the following list:
To set the date and time:
Select Start and then select Settings > Time & language > Date & time.Open Time & language > Date & time
Or Select the following Time & language > Date & time shortcut: -
In the Time & language > Date & time window:
To set the date and time automatically, make sure the option Set time automatically is switched On.
To set the date and time manually, make sure the option Set time automatically is switched Off, and then select the Change button next to Set the date and time. When the Change date and time window opens, manually set the Date and Time, and then select the Change button.
To set the time zone:
Select Start and then select Settings > Time & language > Date & time.Open Time & language > Date & time
Or Select the following Time & language > Date & time shortcut: -
In the Time & language > Date & time window:
To set the time zone automatically, make sure the option Set time zone automatically is switched On.
To set the time zone manually, make sure the option Set time zone automatically is switched Off. Next to Time zone, use the drop-down menu to select the desired time zone.
To set daylight saving time:
Select Start and then select Settings > Time & language > Date & time.Open Time & language > Date & time
Or Select the following Time & language > Date & time shortcut: -
In the Time & language > Date & time window:
If Set time zone automatically is switched On, daylight saving time is set automatically.
If Set time zone automatically is switched Off:
To set daylight saving time automatically, make sure the option Adjust for daylight saving time automatically is switched On.
To set daylight saving time manually, make sure the option Adjust for daylight saving time automatically is switched Off, and then if needed, set the time manually. For more information, see the Setting the date and time section in this article.
By default, the date and time are shown in the system tray of the taskbar. To hide the date and time from the system tray, or to add it back to the system tray if it's hidden:
Select Start and then select Settings > Time & language > Date & time.Open Time & language > Date & time
Or Select the following Time & language > Date & time shortcut: -
In the Time & language > Date & time window:
To add the date and time to the system tray, make sure the option Show time and date in the System tray is switched On.
Tip: The time in the system tray normally doesn't show seconds. To have the time in the system tray also show seconds, select the option Show seconds in system tray clock (uses more power).
To remove the date and time from the system tray, make sure the option Show time and date in the System tray is switched Off.
Support for Windows 10 will end in October 2025
After October 14, 2025, Microsoft will no longer provide free software updates from Windows Update, technical assistance, or security fixes for Windows 10. Your PC will still work, but we recommend moving to Windows 11.
To set the date and time:
Select Start and then select Settings > Time & language > Date & time.Date & time
Or Select the following Date & time shortcut: -
In the Date & time window:
To set the date and time automatically, make sure the option Set time automatically is switched On.
To set the date and time manually, make sure the option Set time automatically is switched Off, and then select the Change button under Set the date and time manually. When the Change date and time window opens, manually set the Date and Time, and then select the Change button.
To set the time zone:
Select Start and then select Settings > Time & language > Date & time.Date & time
Or Select the following Date & time shortcut: -
In the Date & time window:
To set the time zone automatically, make sure the option Set time zone automatically is switched On.
To set the time zone manually, make sure the option Set time zone automatically is switched Off. Under Time zone, use the drop-down menu to select the desired time zone.
To set daylight saving time:
Select Start and then select Settings > Time & language > Date & time.Date & time
Or Select the following Date & time shortcut: -
In the Date & time window:
If Set time zone automatically is switched On, daylight saving time is set automatically.
If Set time zone automatically is switched Off:
To set daylight saving time automatically, make sure the option Adjust for daylight saving time automatically is switched On.
To set daylight saving time manually, make sure the option Adjust for daylight saving time automatically is switched Off, and then if needed, set the time manually. For more information, see the Setting the date and time section in this article.