Lost Ark Support
The server transfer window allowing Ignite players to transfer a single character to Legacy servers is now available. Ignite servers will remain open until November 27th, 2024.
Types of Transfers
We have two different transfer methods with a recommendation based upon whether Ignite was your first time playing Lost Ark or you were a returning player.
1: New Players: Roster Transfer.
2: Returning or Veteran Players: Character Transfer.
Regardless which transfer method you choose, keep in mind this important information:
You must leave your guild before transferring.
All items that the transferring character has will be carried over with the character, sent to the Universal Storage of the target server.
Only one character can be transferred and any others will be deleted when the transfer takes place.
Items with a drop limit or at risk of abuse will not be transferred and will be deleted. Trade (Life) materials, Gold, and Silver will not be transferred. Instead, large amounts will be granted in the transfer gift.
Learn more about how players will be set up for success in their future battles below the transfer types.
Some items that cannot be re-acquired or that are too important to be deleted will be processed automatically through a 'preservation' feature and will be sent to the Universal Storage upon transfer.
If you have bought Character-exclusive skins on one character, but transfer a different character, those skins will not be wearable on the transferred character.
Roster Transfer
If you choose to do a roster transfer, you will be able to move your chosen character and all roster information to a server in your region where you have no existing roster or characters.
All items and information will be carried over apart from those mentioned above, and they will now have a Roster on that server, complete with their transfer gift.
Character Transfer
You will be able to transfer your chosen character and many items to join an existing roster within your region.
All items in the Roster will be transferred along with the character other than the following:
Trade (Life) Materials
Gold and Silver
Island Souls
Engraving Books and Chests
Special Equipment
Some items that cannot be re-acquired or are important will be processed automatically by a 'preservation' feature and will be sent to the Universal Storage upon transfer. The selected character will be transferred into the Character Storage of the target server.
All character-bound information and items will be transferred, including:
Character-bound drop limits
Dungeon Clear information
The following categories will follow this policy, where World A and B refer to the Ignite Server and target transfer server:
Triports: Sums World A data and World B data
Sheet Music: Sums World A data and World B data
Emotes: Sums World A data and World B data
Toys: Sums World A data and World B data
Achievements: Max
Only transfers and merges achievements related to content unlock conditions.
Preserves data with a higher progression status. If tied, data achieved first is to be retained.
Content Unlock: Max
Preserves data with a higher progression status. If tied, data achieved first is to be retained.
Pets: Sum
Pets that can be reacquired will be reset.
Sums World A data and World B data.
Mounts: Union
Sums World A data and World B data, deletes duplicates.
Full List and More Details
You can read our Ignite Server Merge Policy and our Release Notes for more information.
If you're experiencing any issues with an Ignite server transfer, please contact customer support and provide details surrounding your situation.