Prime Gaming Support
Delivery Status Pending
If your claimed offer delivery status displays as Pending, this status usually means you claimed your content successfully, but didn't yet receive the offer in-game.
To resolve it, try logging into the game with the linked account you used to claim that content.
If you didn't access your content yet, and want to change the game account linked to your Amazon account:
Go to the offer on Prime Gaming.
Follow the link instructions in the FAQ of the detail page for the offer. Note: Linking instructions vary by game developer, so they can change from offer to offer.
Delivery Status Undeliverable
If your claimed offer delivery status displays as Undeliverable, it means that there was an issue successfully fulfilling your claimed content. Common reasons why an offer fails to deliver to your game account include:
The game account that claimed the offer already claimed this content.
The game account that claimed the offer isn’t a valid account.
If an offer remains stuck in this state, please contact customer support.
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