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The “Arkesia Ignited” Update is the High Point of Another Busy Year for ‘Lost Ark’

9 Oct, 2024

In February of 2024, Lost Ark celebrated its second anniversary in the West and during those two years, the teams at Smilegate RPG and Amazon Games have released a content update every month. That streak continues up into October’s content update, which is set to be the biggest of the year, and a major moment for Lost Ark players. Featuring the new North Kurzan continent and story updates, the new Tier 4 progression system, Ignite Servers, new raids, events, and much more... October is set to be a major moment for Lost Ark players.

The battle for Arkesia reaches a crescendo

One key upcoming feature is the North Kurzan continent, where players will experience a major narrative development in the story and lore of the game. “North Kurzan is a new portion of the Kurzan continent that players can explore, and the location of one of the most epic battles players will have seen yet,” says Matthew Huston, Associate Franchise Lead for Lost Ark at Amazon Games. “Kurzan is actually located near Mount Antares, where Kazeros (the main antagonist of Lost Ark and leader of the Legion Commanders) had his body sealed by the heroes who opposed him. Previously, players ventured into South Kurzan, where they liberated the region and gathered a massive allied force to take on the Demon Legion and Chaos Guardians, which have taken over North Kurzan and are attempting to revive their evil master, Kazeros.” When players experience North Kurzan, they will gather their forces for a climactic battle to stop the revival of Kazeros, as the fate of Arkesia hangs in the balance.

The story of Lost Ark has ramped up since launch, and October’s update marks the epic conclusion of the game’s first chapter. The battle for North Kurzan represents the highest stakes players have yet to experience, with the future of Arkesia uncertain and in their hands. It also represents a major transitional event in the game’s lore, as one story will end and new adventures will begin.

The Tier 4 system

Another feature in the October update that’s going to significantly evolve the player experience is the new Tier 4 progression system. “In short, Tier 4 will bring forth a ton of new systems and overhauls to the game,” says Roxanne Sabo, Community Lead for Lost Ark at Amazon Games. “There are new daily activities, a hack-and-slash activity called Kurzan Frontline, and a 4-player dungeon called Kenuart Fortress.

Additionally, the way engravings and accessories are used will change completely, and a new system called the Ark Passive system will allow players to build their players in entirely new ways. We could really spend hours talking about the details of Tier 4 and all of the changes!”

And with a new tier comes new gear and materials to collect and enhance, as players push their characters to new levels of power. For gathering all that loot, the October update has players covered with new content. “After warming up with the initial release of the Behemoth Raid in September, the October update is going to introduce the opportunity to earn T4 materials in this epic 16-player experience where players group up to face off against an enormous dragon," notes Sabo. Victorious parties will be able to earn Tier 4 materials and weapon Transcendence, which will help immensely in continuing to build power and grow through Tier 4.

A (re)entry point for new and returning players

The Western version of Lost Ark hasn’t only grown over the past two years, but it’s also improved greatly based on player feedback. Some of those improvements have been created to directly combat gatekeeping, a process that can discourage new players from trying out a game. “Gatekeeping is part of MMOs, and the team is looking at ways to mitigate it, making the various end game contents more accessible, especially for new players,” says Huston. “With the introduction of Solo Raids in the July update, and the current ongoing express events, new players can quickly jump start their journey without fear of being gatekept from some of the best content that Lost Ark has to offer. The game’s current progression systems should give players a head start to dip their toes into challenging content like Legion Raids. Once familiar with that content, players can jump into group play. We are going to keep a close eye on the situation for new players and look for opportunities to blend the world of new and active players, minimizing friction.”

In addition to these ramped-up progression systems, Ignite Servers, a new iteration of the game’s previous Jump-Start Servers, will also be making a return to Lost Ark. Ignite Servers are where new and returning players can go to create a new character that will earn materials that will provide faster progression into the endgame. But that’s not the only way players can catch up to others in the game. “Before Ignite Servers even begin, we are already offering a number of ways for players to catch up. We have the ongoing Super Mokoko Express event, boosting players from 1540 to 1600+ as well as the Tier 3 character permanent buffs (gems, engravings support, honing buffs, solo raids),” says Huston. Ignite Servers are going to be a great way for those who want to start or come back to the game and play with others who are also fresh or returning players. “They offer an opportunity for everyone to be on the same playing field and get comfortable with the game without feeling like they’re super behind. If you’re new to the game or have played a little bit in the past and put it down, Ignite Servers are a great and fun way to jump back in,” explains Huston.

The next chapter for Lost Ark

The October update is truly massive, and you can find much more comprehensive detail on all that’s included over at the lastest Lost Ark Patch Notes post. Lost Ark has come a long way in the West, and even players who may have experienced it in the past will note that the game looks and feels different today. The teams at both Smilegate RPG and Amazon Games have put a lot of care and work into building the game along with its community, and feel that right now is an excellent time for new players to join and for lapsed players to revisit.

“There's so much to look forward to since this is the biggest endgame update we've put out since the launch of the game,” says Sabo. “Personally, though, I'm most excited to explore North Kurzan when it comes out in October, as it's going to bring forward the climax of the incredible story we've all been immersed in for so long. And for players thinking about coming back or starting up, it really is the perfect time in all aspects!”

Huston agrees. “There is so much content coming into our Tier 4 update and we’re taking a lot of learnings from the Korean Tier 4 release,” he says. “For me, Tier 4 is exciting because it is the biggest update we have done since launching the game. It offers many new and exciting variations to continue your characters’ power growth, mixing up the meta.”

What’s next for Lost Ark? That’s a story that remains to be written, but players can have some authorship over the game’s future by joining the world of Arkesia and its passionate community, and sharing their thoughts with the development teams. “For someone who’s just getting into Lost Ark, or is thinking about returning, there’s no better time to jump in than right now or during Tier 4 launch,” says Huston. “The current express events will get you a boosted character, and Tier 4 will pair nicely with Ignite Servers for those who want to wait and see.

We’ll continue to keep our ear to the ground, listening to player comments, and remain focused on using the community’s feedback to make Lost Ark the best it can be. Whether you’re joining us now or waiting until Tier 4, we look forward to seeing you in Arkesia!”