Lost Ark Support
Character Name Requirements
Names must be between 2-16 characters long
Alphabetical characters (A-Z, a-z) and numbers (0-9) are allowed
Special characters and spaces are not permitted
Names cannot begin with numbers
Character names are unique per server
Only one unique name can be used per character on each server
Prohibited Names
The following types of names are not allowed:
Offensive, discriminatory, or inappropriate content
Names containing profanity or hate speech
Names that impersonate staff or other players
Names of major NPCs or story characters
Names that violate intellectual property rights
Website URLs or advertisements
Names that break the game's Terms of Service
Name Release Policy
Character names are released under the following conditions:
Deleted Characters
Characters level 10 or below: Names automatically release after 60 days
Characters above level 10: Names release after 90 days
Name Release Events
Periodically, Lost Ark will release names that fit the following, or similar criteria. Please pay attention to monthly announcements for when these events occur:
Accounts with no login for 365+ days
Applies only to characters below level 50
Does not apply to characters in universal storage
Does not apply to accounts that have made any purchases
Name Change Policy
Name changes are available through the in-game shop or as part of special events
You must wait 60 days between name changes
Name changes are subject to the same guidelines as initial character creation
Reporting Inappropriate Names In-Game
Right-click on the player's name or portrait
Select "Report Player"
Choose "Inappropriate Name" as the report reason
Provide additional details if necessary, then submit the report
Server Transfer and Name Conflicts
When transferring to a new server, you may be required to change your character's name if it conflicts with an existing name on the destination server
The same naming rules and restrictions apply to server transfers
Note: These guidelines may be updated as the game evolves.