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‘Lost Ark’ Welcomes New Advanced Class: Wildsoul


In an exciting February Update, Lost Ark will introduce the Wildsoul Advanced class to Arkesia! This new Advanced Class will be available to players from February 26.

Wildsoul is the newest Specialist class addition to Lost Ark. However, although all three classes of Specialists use illusion techniques passed down through the Yoz tribe, Wildsoul differs from other Specialists like the Artist or Aeromancer classes. The Artist is a support class that strategically harnesses the power of illusions coming from their paintbrush, while the Aeromancer is a class that uses the mysterious power of illusions to control the weather and subdue enemies by utilizing her umbrella.

Wildsoul, on the other hand, is the class that most clearly demonstrates the characteristics of the Yoz tribe, usually sealing the power of the animal spirit with her scroll. During battle, she releases the sealed animal spirit power and engages her foes. By using the illusion, she can materialize the sealed animal spirit and take on a magical form that allows her to utilize in a wide range of unique techniques, such as summoning a beast or creating a fox fire to attack. She can also transform into a fox or a bear by using the transformation.

In general, Wildsoul is also flexible in dealing with various situations in battle, covering both long-range, such as fighting enemies with a beast summoned by an illusion, and close-range, by directly transforming into a powerful bear or an agile fox.

Also, among the many classes introduced to Lost Ark so far, Wildsoul will be the most lively and joyful character, which will be felt through the character’s exuberant movement in the game.

Wildsoul’s look and gameplay are key. As with her powers, the Lost Ark team worked hard to ensure it’s a class that clearly represents the Yoz tribe in both appearance and mannerisms. Among other things, this meant expressing the Yoz tribe’s strength in creating illusions, love of nature, and friendliness to animals. As such, Wildsoul’s look references a lot of nature-friendly materials and clothing to express the characteristics of a class that deals with animal illusions well.

Further, since the homeland of the Yoz is located very close to Anikka, there has been a long history of exchange between those two continents and that comes through in various aspects of Wildsoul’s design.

Finally, Wildsoul is a curious, playful, and lively Advanced class. Their activity is expressed not just in the character’s motions but also in its skill names like Spin and Boom.

The Lost Ark Team can’t wait to officially introduce the Heroes of Arkesia to the Wildsoul Advanced Class on February 26. See this blog post for more comprehensive detail about Wildsoul, and stay tuned to the official Lost Ark site for the latest news and new information.