Lost Ark Support
Common Symptoms of Lag and Connectivity Issues
Character(s) moving randomly or sporadically around the map, also known as rubber banding or warping.
Attacks appear to land, but the damage or effects aren’t registering.
You and/or other players appear to be stuck or running in place.
Sudden, frequent disconnects from the game.
Frequent lag or lag spikes
Tip: In online gaming, lag is a noticeable delay between the action of players and the reaction of the server in a video game. We get it, you totally pressed your button before the other guy, and lag is what got you killed.
Quick Fixes
Make sure that your computer isn't downloading Windows updates, other games, etc. Performing tasks that involve downloading updates can drastically decrease your computer's available bandwidth.
Identify if others in your household are running high bandwidth applications like video streaming, or online gaming. Closing high bandwidth applications or turning off high bandwidth devices may reduce latency.
Make sure your system clock is set to the correct time. To learn more about setting your time and time zone, go to Microsoft Support.
Troubleshooting Lag and Connectivity Issues
To learn more about how to check for Windows updates, go to Microsoft Support.
Closing applications that take up high amounts of bandwidth, or experience bandwidth spikes, may reduce the total bandwidth available on your computer.
Press CTRL+Alt+Del on your keyboard, then select Task Manager.
Under the Processes tab click Network to filter applications by their network usage.
End any applications or tasks taking up high amounts of bandwidth.
To learn how to verify your game files, go to Steam Support.
Unplug the power cable from your router and modem. If your router or modem has a battery, remove it.
Wait for 30 seconds and then plug the power cable back into your modem. If you removed a battery from your modem, put it back now. Wait another 30 seconds for your modem to boot.
Plug the power cable into your router. If you removed a battery from your router, put it back now.
Switching to a wired connection ensures that lag isn’t being caused by wireless interference, weak wireless signal, etc.
Connect your computer directly to your router or modem and then disable your computer’s wireless adapter to ensure it’s not being used.
To disable your wireless adapter:
Press Windows + R, type "ncpa.cpl" into the Run window, and then press Enter.
Select your wireless adapter. It may be labeled "Wireless Network Connection" or something similar, and could also have a wireless signal strength indicator under it.
Click Disable this network device or Disable. Your computer is no longer able to connect to wireless networks, ensuring that your connection is wired only.
Note: You can enable your wireless network device by following the steps above, and then clicking Enable this network device or Enable.
Try adding Windows firewall exceptions manually:
Press Windows + R, type "firewall.cpl" into the Run window, and then press Enter.
Click Allow an app or feature through Windows Firewall and then click Change settings.
Look for the game in the list of allowed apps and features. If it’s present, make sure it’s checked, and that both the Private and Public columns have a check mark. If the game is missing from the list, you must add it.
Click Allow another app..., locate and select LostArkLauncher.exe, and then click Add.
Once you've done that, make sure that Lost Ark has check marks under both the Private and Public columns.
Updating your firewall software may help resolve connectivity issues. For instructions on how to update third party firewall software, we recommend checking the support pages provided by your firewall software publisher. If possible, you should also add an exception within your firewall software.
If you’re still having trouble, the next step is to disable or uninstall your firewall temporarily. We do not recommend leaving your firewall disabled long term. It should be enabled or reinstalled as soon as you’ve confirmed that it’s not causing your issues.
Steps for disabling third party firewalls vary, so we recommend checking the manufacturer’s support pages before uninstalling your firewall entirely.
To uninstall a third party firewall:
From the Start menu, select Settings.
Select Apps & features.
Select the program, and then select the three dots button.
Select Uninstall, and then confirm. Some apps built in to Windows can't be uninstalled.
Follow the on-screen instructions.
From the Start menu, select Settings.
Select System > Apps & features.
Select the program, and then select Uninstall. Some apps built in to Windows can't be uninstalled.
Follow the on-screen instructions.
Open Programs and Features by clicking the Start button. Click Control Panel, Programs, and then Programs and Features.
Select System > Apps & features.
Select a program, and then click Uninstall. Some programs include the option to change or repair the program in addition to uninstalling. To change a program click Change or Repair. If you're prompted for an administrator password or confirmation, type the password or provide confirmation.