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Support New World: Aeternum Technical Troubleshooting Lag and Connectivity Issues
Troubleshooting Lag and Connectivity Issues
If you're experiencing lag spikes or losing connectivity while playing Amazon Games, here are some steps that could help.

Common Symptoms of Lag and Connectivity Issues

  • One or more characters moving randomly or sporadically around the map. Also known as rubber banding or warping.

  • Attacks appear to land, but the damage or effects don’t register.

  • You and/or other players appear stuck or running in place.

  • Sudden, frequent disconnections from the game.

  • Frequent lag or lag spikes.

Tip: Lag is a noticeable delay between players actions and the reaction of the server in a video game. We get it, you totally pressed your button before the other guy, and lag is what got you killed.

Quick Fixes

  • Make sure that you aren't downloading updates or other games to your computer or console. Downloading updates can drastically decrease available bandwidth.

  • Check if others in your household are running high-bandwidth applications like video streaming or online gaming. Closing high-bandwidth applications or turning off high-bandwidth devices may reduce latency.

Platform-Specific Troubleshooting

  1. Check the New World Known Issues page.

  2. Check for Windows updates.

  3. Closing applications that take up high amounts of bandwidth, or experience bandwidth spikes, may reduce the total bandwidth available on your computer.

  4. Verify your Steam files.

    • To learn more about how to verify your Steam files, go to Steam Support.

  5. Unplug the power cable from your router and modem. If your router or modem has a battery, remove it.

    • Wait for 30 seconds and then plug the power cable back into your modem. If you removed a battery from your modem, put it back now. Wait another 30 seconds for your modem to boot.

    • Plug the power cable into your router. If you removed a battery from your router, put it back now.

    • Switching to a wired connection ensures that lag isn’t being caused by wireless interference, weak wireless signal, and other potential reasons.

Tip: A wired connection may help prevent lag caused by wireless interference or weak wireless signal.

  1. Check the New World Known Issues and Xbox Status pages.

  2. Restart the game.

  3. Power cycle your console.

  4. Test your network connection.

  5. Try using a different profile.

  6. Remove and re-add your profile.

  7. Clear the local save and resync with the cloud.

View this Xbox support article for more information and troubleshooting.

  1. Check the New World Known Issues and PSN status pages.

  2. Check that your SSID, password, and security method are correct.

View this PlayStation support article for more information and troubleshooting.

If you continue to experience lag or connectivity issues, please contact customer support.